
If you see this text, then your browser probably doesn't support either webgl, HTML5 or javascript.

I'd recommend switching to Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.Of these, Chrome seems to give better performance.


Angular Velocity

Declination Angle


As The World Turns . . .

A planet shader for the web

This page uses WebGL and GLSL to render a globe. The globe is textured using a selected set of the "Blue Marble" images made available by NASA.

You can look at the textures used here.

I've used a set of techniques picked up from The OpenGL Shading Language. These include phong shading, normal mapping and specular mapping.

The program uses a vertex and a fragment shader;


Fragment Shader


Failed to load a texture.

It's possible that your browser doesn't fully support WebGL.

Or that you are experiencing connection problems.


Textures have been loaded at low resolution.

Due to constraints set by your web browser, low resolution images are being used.

This doesn't look half as good.